Cyber Security Landscape

Cyber Security Landscape

According to Mary Meeker’s 2019 Internet Trends Report, global internet users have touched 3.8 billion which is more than half of the world’s population. India, the second largest contributor, accounts to 12 percent of the global internet user base. Moreover, in India, the large internet user base is backed by proliferation of affordable smartphones, access of high-speed internet and low-cost data. As per a report by telecom equipment maker Ericsson, India has the world’s highest data usage per smartphone at an average of 9.8GB per month; this is set to double to 18GB by 2024. It will be only apt to say that mobile internet, is deeply embedded in every Indian’s daily lifestyle. In India, Internet is seen as extension of the basic infrastructure such as water supply, electricity, and public health systems, etc. In the preputial evolving digital infrastructure, the risks to the economy, government, and public information is very high. This risk is bound to increase in times to come as we are progressively maturing our Internet needs.

The impact of the risk and growing concern of the CEOs, and board members are reflecting in the cyber security trends. In last few years, CEOs have stepped up their spending on cybersecurity to protect their valuable data and other key business information. In its latest security forecast, Gartner projects that such spending was more than US$123 billion for 2018 and will grow by 10.8 percent per year to nearly US$170.5 billion by 2022. The rising Internet security market is also a hot area for venture capital investors, attracting almost US$33 billion to 2,479 security startups since 2009.

In India, the mobile internet has become a necessity for each Indian household, technology adaptation is increasing at an unprecedented rate, and we are fast evolving as a matured internet economy. It is also projected that the reach of the smart phones will increase significantly, and the number of IoT-connected devices is likely to reach 25 billion by 2021. It is also predicted that by 2024, 4G will cover an estimated 90 percent of the population, and 5G networks would cover about 40 percent. The rise in telephone connectivity and internet connected devices coupled with the affordable digital data is backed by a few million lines of additional code in the ecosystem. These new set of devices, new telephony backbone, and their additional program codes will create a new playground for the cyber criminals.

The question that needs to be answered by the government, businesses and individuals on priority include – One, are we ready to manage this situation? Two, are we ready with the cyber security framework? Three, have we developed cyber security policies to fight the emerging cyber threats? Four, are we developing the cyber security culture? Five, are we working towards becoming a cyber safe organization/nation?

It is critical for us to start thinking on these lines and most importantly start working on it to build cybersafe organizations, and government bodies. If we fail to build a resilient and trustworthy cyber security ecosystem, every single breach can have serious, cascading effects. For example, the 2017 NotPetya cyberattack cost Maersk more than US$300 million, and the damages to all other companies affected totaled more than US$10 billion. The concern of the cyber security is also reflected in the Accenture’s report “Securing the Digital Economy”, which suggests that as high as 68% of CEOs report that their businesses’ dependence on the Internet is increasing but the confidence in Internet security is going down. As per the report, in the next five years, the confidence level in the Internet is forecasted to drop to 25%, while dependence on it is assumed to remain at 100%.

Steven Gray, Head of Payments, Tax and Fraud, Radial says, “Fraud attacks continue to rise, and we can expect to see them increase in volume up to 2-3X in the coming year. In addition to an increase number of attacks, we anticipate cyber criminals will leverage new tactics to fool retailers and consumers. We will continue to see them utilizing compromised data obtained from data breaches but beyond that we can anticipate the use of account take over efforts like attacking small and medium-sized online merchants that don’t have proper eCommerce fraud risk technologies, and attacking online merchants with high speed velocity, identity takeover, and brute force high volume attempts.” The threat of the ever-increasing cyberattacks are cause of concern for everyone. Business leaders, political leaders, professionals anyone who is on the internet and deals in data can no longer afford to ignore cyber threats. It will be only apt to say that the very foundation of modern society increasingly depends on our ability to protect digital assets. Data is the key and safety of the data should be the priority of everyone – business, government, individual, or society.

As the Internet’s fault lines are becoming more apparent business leaders, political leaders and professionals are trying to build an ecosystem of trust. The task is not easy as the cyber criminals are actively working on the vulnerability that internet offers. In such a vulnerable environment, the data should be kept safe from the new age pirates. These new age pirates are sophisticated and frequently have resources and budgets that is more impressive than the best of cyber security departments managed by corporates, government, or individuals. We have also observed that some of these cybercriminals have well-developed cybercrime ecosystem that provides support as ‘cybercrime as a service’. Some of these mature cybercriminals, over period of time, have built a robust cybercrime ecosystem.

The challenge this cybercrime ecosystem has created in the Indian cybersecurity market also reflects in Internet security threat report (ISTR), Symantec 2018. As per this report, India ranked third in the list of countries where the highest number of cyber threats were detected, and second in terms of targeted attacks in 2017. The biggest challenge in Indian cyber security ecosystem is yet to evolved and challenge the cybercriminals at their turf. As of now the cyber security ecosystem is not even equipped to challenge the basic threat that comes from spam and phishing.

“Today CISOs are in defense mode and in many cases are far behind the attackers when it comes to creativity and sophistication. The future of cybersecurity will rely on the super skilled IT organizations, equipped with powerful tools that will allow them to better protect their organizations. The rise of machine learning and science will be at the core of this trend and vendors who will be able to truly deliver innovation in their respective areas will dominate.”  Shlomi Gian, Chief Executive Officer, CybeReady

According to Mary Meeker’s 2019 Internet Trends Report, global internet users have touched 3.8 billion which is more than half of the world’s population. India, the second largest contributor, accounts to 12 percent of the global internet user base. Moreover, in India, the large internet user base is backed by proliferation of affordable smartphones, access of high-speed internet and low-cost data. As per a report by telecom equipment maker Ericsson, India has the world’s highest data usage per smartphone at an average of 9.8GB per month; this is set to double to 18GB by 2024. It will be only apt to say that mobile internet, is deeply embedded in every Indian’s daily lifestyle. In India, Internet is seen as extension of the basic infrastructure such as water supply, electricity, and public health systems, etc. In the preputial evolving digital infrastructure, the risks to the economy, government, and public information is very high. This risk is bound to increase in times to come as we are progressively maturing our Internet needs.

The impact of the risk and growing concern of the CEOs, and board members are reflecting in the cyber security trends. In last few years, CEOs have stepped up their spending on cybersecurity to protect their valuable data and other key business information. In its latest security forecast, Gartner projects that such spending was more than US$123 billion for 2018 and will grow by 10.8 percent per year to nearly US$170.5 billion by 2022. The rising Internet security market is also a hot area for venture capital investors, attracting almost US$33 billion to 2,479 security startups since 2009.

In India, the mobile internet has become a necessity for each Indian household, technology adaptation is increasing at an unprecedented rate, and we are fast evolving as a matured internet economy. It is also projected that the reach of the smart phones will increase significantly, and the number of IoT-connected devices is likely to reach 25 billion by 2021. It is also predicted that by 2024, 4G will cover an estimated 90 percent of the population, and 5G networks would cover about 40 percent. The rise in telephone connectivity and internet connected devices coupled with the affordable digital data is backed by a few million lines of additional code in the ecosystem. These new set of devices, new telephony backbone, and their additional program codes will create a new playground for the cyber criminals.

The question that needs to be answered by the government, businesses and individuals on priority include – One, are we ready to manage this situation? Two, are we ready with the cyber security framework? Three, have we developed cyber security policies to fight the emerging cyber threats? Four, are we developing the cyber security culture? Five, are we working towards becoming a cyber safe organization/nation?

It is critical for us to start thinking on these lines and most importantly start working on it to build cybersafe organizations, and government bodies. If we fail to build a resilient and trustworthy cyber security ecosystem, every single breach can have serious, cascading effects. For example, the 2017 NotPetya cyberattack cost Maersk more than US$300 million, and the damages to all other companies affected totaled more than US$10 billion. The concern of the cyber security is also reflected in the Accenture’s report “Securing the Digital Economy”, which suggests that as high as 68% of CEOs report that their businesses’ dependence on the Internet is increasing but the confidence in Internet security is going down. As per the report, in the next five years, the confidence level in the Internet is forecasted to drop to 25%, while dependence on it is assumed to remain at 100%.

Steven Gray, Head of Payments, Tax and Fraud, Radial says, “Fraud attacks continue to rise, and we can expect to see them increase in volume up to 2-3X in the coming year. In addition to an increase number of attacks, we anticipate cyber criminals will leverage new tactics to fool retailers and consumers. We will continue to see them utilizing compromised data obtained from data breaches but beyond that we can anticipate the use of account take over efforts like attacking small and medium-sized online merchants that don’t have proper eCommerce fraud risk technologies, and attacking online merchants with high speed velocity, identity takeover, and brute force high volume attempts.” The threat of the ever-increasing cyberattacks are cause of concern for everyone. Business leaders, political leaders, professionals anyone who is on the internet and deals in data can no longer afford to ignore cyber threats. It will be only apt to say that the very foundation of modern society increasingly depends on our ability to protect digital assets. Data is the key and safety of the data should be the priority of everyone – business, government, individual, or society.

Today CISOs are in defense mode and in many cases are far behind the attackers when it comes to creativity and sophistication. The future of cybersecurity will rely on the super skilled IT organizations, equipped with powerful tools that will allow them to better protect their organizations. The rise of machine learning and science will be at the core of this trend and vendors who will be able to truly deliver innovation in their respective areas will dominate.”  Shlomi Gian, Chief Executive Officer, CybeReady

As the Internet’s fault lines are becoming more apparent business leaders, political leaders and professionals are trying to build an ecosystem of trust. The task is not easy as the cyber criminals are actively working on the vulnerability that internet offers. In such a vulnerable environment, the data should be kept safe from the new age pirates. These new age pirates are sophisticated and frequently have resources and budgets that is more impressive than the best of cyber security departments managed by corporates, government, or individuals. We have also observed that some of these cybercriminals have well-developed cybercrime ecosystem that provides support as ‘cybercrime as a service’. Some of these mature cybercriminals, over period of time, have built a robust cybercrime ecosystem.

The challenge this cybercrime ecosystem has created in the Indian cybersecurity market also reflects in Internet security threat report (ISTR), Symantec 2018. As per this report, India ranked third in the list of countries where the highest number of cyber threats were detected, and second in terms of targeted attacks in 2017. The biggest challenge in Indian cyber security ecosystem is yet to evolved and challenge the cybercriminals at their turf. As of now the cyber security ecosystem is not even equipped to challenge the basic threat that comes from spam and phishing.

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Cyber Security: An Introduction

Cyber Security: An Introduction

Rabindranath Choubey, a Mathematics teacher in Ranchi called us a few days back and updated that for years Facebook was involved in a data breach. This data breach compromised at least 50 million users’ personal data. This vulnerability was exposed to Facebook in July 2017, but Facebook only became aware of it in September 2018 when they realized a spike in the unusual activity. In other words, Facebook was not ready to accept the vulnerability, or never acknowledge the seriousness of the vulnerability, or had no proper strategy to answer the vulnerability, or had no technology bandwidth to manage such vulnerability. Understanding the situation, we can only say that Facebook could have arrested the attack if they were prepared to understand the vulnerability. Facebook would have arrested the data breach, if vulnerability testing had been conducted on a frequent basis, The data breach would have been exposed much in advance, if Facebook had culture of cyber security.

We’ll continue to see the democratization of hacking. It used to belong only to those with specialized technical skills. With the growing communities on the dark web advanced hacking techniques have become productized, packaged, and sold. Hacking tools have supply chains as sophisticated as any industry. Now even people with basic skills can buy tools that employ advanced hacking techniques, greatly expanding the number of potential threats in the world. At the same time as more data moves to the web and more data gets monetized the incentive to hack continues to increase. Mark Herschberg, CTO of Averon

It will be wrong to blame Facebook or any other organization that has been a victim of cyber-attack. It is a known fact that governments, businesses, or individual irrespective of their cyber security preparedness may end up becoming a victim of cyber-attack at some point in their lifespan. The only good news is governments, businesses, and individuals are aware of the cyber-attack challenges and are exploring the avenues to overcome it. We know that it is not an easy task for any government, organization or individual to win all the battles at all the time, but it is important to be prepare for it. This task is not easy as technology is perpetually evolving, and with evolving technology, art and science of cybercrime is also evolving.

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Jharkhand Election: Yet Another Hung Assembly in Making

Jharkhand Election: Yet Another Hung Assembly in Making

In 2014 for the first time Jharkhand witnessed an alliance getting a majority government with BJP winning 37 seats (in 2015, 6 MLAs of Jharkhand Vikas Morcha (JVM) had joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) taking the party tally to 43) and the alliance partner All Jharkhand Students Union (AJSU) winning 5 seats. This was the first majority government since the inception of the state and it had raised the expectation of the voters.  

The 2014 verdict was an opportunity given to its first non-tribal chief minister of Jharkhand – Raghubar Das to change the fortune of the tribal state. If I must go with the popular sentiment, he failed to meet the expectation of the voters. Post facto, the sentiment in the state is that the Tribal leaders like Hemanth Soren, Arjun Munda, Babulal Marandi ruled the state better than this non-tribal chief minister. Contrary to popular belief the party is of the opinion that, Raghubar Das has been a protagonist of development in the state; and he is the most popular face in Jharkhand politics. This overconfidence may prove to be an expensive affair for BJP. In all fairness, it will only be apt to say that the voters of Jharkhand are not happy with Raghubar Das but they have nothing against Narendra Modi, or the party BJP. 

Rise of Intellectual voters 

In 2019 Lok Sabha elections, BJP defied the collective might of opposition alliance and improved its vote share from 35.5 percent to over 50 percent. It is widely believed that the rise in the voteshare was a function of the popularity of Narendra Modi. Most of the political analyst if not all in the state believe that though the party in parliamentary elections won 12 seats out of 14 in the state, but the discontent from the local leaders was visible in the conduct of the voters. 

In various occasions Indian voters have proved that the performance of the parliamentary election is not a yardstick to determine the performance of the assembly elections. The voting pattern of Indian voters has always been different in parliamentary and assembly elections. This election may not be an exception. 

It is an established fact that Indian voters are intelligent, and they know how to reward and punish the political leaders and political parties. The voters of Jharkhand are evolved and believe in punishing the leader for the nonperformance as they did in 2014 assembly election. In 2014, Babulal Marandi lost from both the seats he had contested, Hemant Soren lost Dumka seat but managed to win Berhat, Arjun Munda faced a humiliating defeat, Sudesh Mahto lost at his home turf. The voters of Jharkhand punished ex-chief ministers in last assembly election, but they rewarded prime minister in the recently concluded parliamentary elections.

Where do we stand? 

At the outset it looks like BJP and alliance partner AJSU has the upper hand and as the second largest national party, INC has no mass leader in the state. In absence of a strong mass leader INC is banking on Hemant Soren of the JMM to do wonders for the alliance. JMM on the other hand is desperately trying to retain the party’s core vote base – STs. The third critical political force in the state election JVM is banking on the combined might of Babulal Marandi and the disgruntled leaders of JMM, INC, and BJP. These three prominent political entities in the state will decide the future of the 2019 election. 

In recent times, INC has lost its two former party presidents to the rival parties – AAP and BJP

 In my views, the 2019 assembly election in Jharkhand will not be fought on the development plank. It is going to be a classic old school election that will be fought on the backdrop of cast equation. This election, furthermore, will be all about the athematic of vote bank rather than the sentiment of development and growth. This election is all about the hyperlocal issues. It is about Jameen, Jal, and Jangal. This election is also about the identity of Jharkhand. In this election the recent verdict on Ram temple will also play a critical role. This election is not about the development of Jharkhand. It is not about the personality war. It is also not about the charisma of the political leaders. It will not be wrong to say that this is one of the rare elections of recent times where Modi may not play the critical role. 

In absence of a prominent opposition it is going to be a little easy for BJP to retain power but there is a chance for the opposition to win back the state. I believe, only if the opposition can create a groundswell based on popular sentiments like bad governance of Raghubar Das, trial issues around Jal-jameen-jangal, ignored Brahmins and Kayasthas, and all big talk by Raghubar Das and no development they can stitch a tight win. Otherwise, in Jharkhand in absence of a capable alternative the voters of Jharkhand will vote for BJP. 

In the given scenario, if the opposition manages to run an intelligent campaign based on theme – one, Jal-jameen-jangal to ignite the ST sentiment; two, influence disgruntled BJP voters with campaign like “Raghubar Teri Khair Nahi, Modi se Koi Baair Nahi” not to vote for Raghubar Das or avoid going to booth on the polling day; three, dissuade Brahmins and kayasthas by campaign designed around “Brahmins and kayasthas ka Dushman – Raghubar Das”; four engage Muslims and SC votebank by running a silent campaign “We are the only Hope” they can ignite the latent feelings of the voters, overturn their sentiment. But, unfortunately the opposition has no great mass leader to run the campaign. 

The bigger challenge is neither INC nor the alliance partner JMM has any mature or dependable face. The alliance is expected to depend on the face value of Hemant Soren to pull the election campaign in the right direction. But in my views, Hemant is yet to mature as the dependable force of Jharkhand Politics. He is still a mass leader in making. The alliance lacks a dependable face like Sharad Pawar in Jharkhand to spearhead the opposition’s campaign. In absence of the mass leader the opposition campaigns need to be managed by the voters and volunteers and not by the leaders of the party. The leaders should only support them and agree to the voice of voters. It is important to understand that when you don’t have mass leader who can carry the burden of the campaign, make voters your star campaigner. 

As on date, the voters of Jharkhand are not happy with Raghubar Das and state-BJP, but they don’t have any strong alternative. The opposition in the state is fragmented and two of the large leaders – Hemant Soren and Babulal Marandi are fighting their last battel of survival. If the grand alliance had all opposition parties – INC, JMM, JVM and others, Jharkhand could have got another stable government in 2019. As JVM is not part of the grand alliance it will play the role of an intelligent spoiler. The current situation may throw up a surprise where JVM will end up emerging as the party that will decide the future chief minister of Jharkhand.

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Madhya Pradesh may go Gujarat way

Madhya Pradesh may go Gujarat way

INC’s failure to offer a credible alternative or a robust alliance may help the BJP beat strong anti-incumbency

The forthcoming Assembly election of Madhya Pradesh in many ways can be compared with the recent Assembly elections of Gujarat — the election that the INC lost, not the one that the BJP won.

Madhya Pradesh is one of the key States of the Hindi belt, which sees a direct contest between the BJP and the INC. It is yet another State that has seen a strong BJP government for three terms and the INC has been struggling to claim the State back.

Even after the Gujarat debacle, the INC has not learned the art of communication and its communication in MP is as confused as it was in Gujarat. The popular perception suggests that the theatrics of temple run will not help it in Madhya Pradesh just like in Gujarat. This is one of those dramas that voters enjoy but don’t consider while voting.

Just like Gujarat, the caste and communal equation in MP is beyond the politics of the Hindu-Muslim divide. It is about winning each caste separately, including SCs and STs. A majority of voters of Madhya Pradesh, in their 40s and 50s, still have fresh memories of bad governance of INC Chief Minister Digvijay Singh. Voters of MP may not like Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan of the BJP but they for sure still hate the INC. So, what is the mood in the State?

No clear alternative
It is widely believed that there is a strong anti-incumbency of three terms but the voters of the State are not in a position to find any clear alternative. Like in Gujarat, in MP too the INC has failed to identify one single face that can challenge Shivraj Singh Chouhan and build a credible narrative for the party.

A defined alternative will help the INC win more vote share than the state of ambiguity. It will not be wrong to say that in the absence of a clear choice, voters are still backing Chouhan as the preferred chief ministerial candidate. The problem with the INC is it has not yet declared its chief ministerial candidate despite having four candidates – Arjun Yadav, Digvijay Singh, Kamal Nath and Jyotiraditya Scindia.

At times, one gets a feeling that the INC is planning a decisive, focused and determined campaign, especially since there is some amount of anti-incumbency and an opportunity for the party to cash in.

‘Unhappy’ farmers
Farmers’ concerns are the biggest political pitch. The party that manages to win the trust of farmers and has answers to suicides and offers good policies related to farm and farmers will have an edge. Further, the party with strong grassroots workers — who can take the message of the party to the farmers and the rural households — will hold an advantage.

Scams aren’t big issue
Big scams such as Vyapam, sand mining, dams and ponds, mid-day meals have still not hampered the image of Shivraj Singh Chouhan. He is still seen as progressive, development-oriented, humble, down to earth and man of the masses. It is the failure of the INC to build a successful groundswell around these large scams.

Soft Hindutva bad strategy
Madhya Pradesh can’t be polarised on the Hindutva agenda. The position of hardcore Hindutva leader is already occupied by Shivraj Singh Chouhan and soft Hindutva will not work. I wonder why the INC is not focusing on the issues of development, big scams and other progressive issues that attract eyeballs of the millennial.

Caste plays a big role
The positioning of the INC as a party that believes in soft Hindutva is not an effective positioning. Madhya Pradesh prefers to votes for caste. Religion is not the core issue here. Roughly 60% of the voters evaluate the caste before casting their vote. Caste-based social engineering is key to the success in the State.

ST, SC central
In Madhya Pradesh, STs, SCs and Muslims (roughly 21%, 15% and 6% respectively) are the big vote banks of the INC. The State has a strong ST and SC population, which is a traditional vote bank of the INC, but the BSP has been successfully consolidating them to its advantage.
Moreover, the BJP has been working hard for the last few years to win over these voters. This move has disturbed the traditional vote bank of the BJP — upper castes and OBCs — but this may help the BJP win over a new set of ST and SC voters.

No Hindu-Muslim divide
MP cannot be polarised on the lines of Hindu-Muslim divide. This is one of the States like Gujarat that has a negligible Muslim vote bank. Over 90% of the voters are Hindus. It will only be apt to say that the caste and communal equation in MP is beyond the politics of the Hindu-Muslim divide.

Alliance was key
The tribal vote has a strong presence in 35-40 seats in MP. In these tribal-dominated areas, the combined might of the INC and the BSP would have won almost all seats but now that the INC and the BSP are not together, the result will be different. Moreover, the voting patterns in the last three Assembly elections indicate that the INC has a loyal voter base of over 30%, the BJP enjoys 35%, and the BSP roughly 5%. This basic arithmetic of voter’s loyalty suggests that an alliance was one of the safest ways for the INC to romp home.

The win and loss in MP will mostly be decided by fence-sitting voters who decide their preference in the final leg of the election campaign. In such a scenario, the last leg of political campaigns will change the dynamics of the election result. The BJP with the political campaign expertise of Modi and Shah, and the positive image of Shivraj Singh Chouhan will be able to challenge the INC once again. Well-crafted campaigns of Modi and Shah in last 15 days could swing a minimum of 5% voters to their fold.

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Millennials Key to Next Government

Millennials key to next government

With about 34% or 400 million of the country’s total population, political parties will do well to address their needs

Kiran is an IT professional, who works at Google and holds a postgraduate degree from a leading US university. She is an early adopter to technology, doesn’t hesitate to present her views on social media and engages with the other millennial on them. Born in Ranchi, she has also studied in Ranchi and Delhi. In Hyderabad, she lives with her friend. She orders food home, buys fashion online, hires a shared cab for her daily travel, watches movies once in a while with friends, and visits temple every Saturday. She is a young independent woman who is proud of her culture, religious views and tradition. She is also aware of her rights and duties as an Indian citizen.

On the other hand, 25-year-old Reshma doesn’t believe in early marriage, strongly advocates the right to education, is very proud of her religious views and tradition. She is an amateur cook and makes her living by cooking at three different houses in the Gachibowli area of Hyderabad. Reshma goes to PVR for movies with family, orders her fashion on Amazon; has an active presence on all social media sites that she accesses on her Redmi. She is a young independent Indian woman who is brand conscious, proud of her culture, religious views, rights and duties as an Indian citizen, including the power of her voting right.

A few basic traits of Reshma or Kiran, or any other millennial from any part of India make them a dominant force that is reshaping culture, business, and politics. The Indian millennial does not mimic their older generation when it comes to taking important decisions such as voting. This generation is development-oriented and does not blindly believe in an old-political twist of caste and religion. It believes in result-oriented politicians and the politics of growth and development.

Internet Generation
Millennials, the generation born between 1980 and 2000, have grown up in an age of rapid change. The incessant change this generation has witnessed has made them demanding.
Millennials spend around 17 hours a week on the internet and widely use digital methods to research a product before taking the final decision. Their decisions are not necessarily based on online reviews or ar einfluence by social media channels but are mostly a function of in-depth research. It is also based on the availability of information and the convenience of reaching the product.

Thy want the best in the world at their fingertips. Their expectations and priorities are completely different from those of the older generations. This generation is also extremely opinionated and desires authentic conversations. Reaching millennials through advertisements and brand marketing is not enough for they do not appreciate a just on-the-surface monologue and wants to engage in a dialogue. In fact, it will not be off the mark to say that marketing and branding agencies have not matured in their communication to win the heart and mind of this generation.

Millennials seek instant gratification from almost everything, right from information to entertainment, shopping needs to political decisions. They have become the juggernaut that enjoys the power to rewrite the culture, influence the way businesses are run and change the direction of the politics. It is extremely important to understand their preferences and be their companion just to be relevant.

Dominant, Restless
In India, millennials constitute roughly 34% of the population. This number translates to around 400 million — more than the total population of the US and more than the total number of millennials China has today. It will not be wrong to say that these people will decide the direction of the economy, politics, and culture.

Millennial and the post-millennial generation makes up a clear majority of voting-eligible adults in India. Their voting share in most of the States in India is over 45%, thereby holding the key to the success of any election. This vote share does not belong to any of established political equation or political parties. They are in search of new dynamic leaders and political parties, which can take them to the next level of growth.

Political parties need to work to capture the changing aspirations of the millennials, their voice of development. Simply relying on anti-incumbency, polarisation, caste equations and hypernationalism is unlikely to help.

Changing Politics
The ambition, anger, attitudes, anxieties, and aspirations of millennials in the recent past have played an active role as citizen, consumer as well as catalyst in shaping the political environment of India.

We saw their power when they took to the streets to protest and support socio-political issues that were spearheaded by Arvind Kejriwal, Hardik Patel, and others. We have also witnessed how this generation supported Narendra Modi as a Prime Minister candidate in the 2014 election.

The election season in India is about to start shortly. Five States – Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, Rajasthan and Telangana — would go for Assembly elections in November-December. The story to win the heart and mind of these ever curious, demanding, and volatile voter segment would change with States but their dominance must never be ignored.
In all these five States, the win or loss of any candidate or a political party will be decided by the voting patterns of the millennials and the post-millennial generation. The party that manages to meet the demands of this generation would form the government in these State.

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